Importance Of Personal Core Values

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Steps to Defining Personal Core Values In order to understand and align my personal life goals in a way that will bring about the most satisfaction, I have taken steps to be truly reflective. With research and introspective thought, I have reviewed things about myself that make me unique and are responsible for shaping my personal values. I started by identifying who I am, who I want to be, what my beliefs are and how I act even when others aren’t watching. This has led me to identify my most important personal values and how they affect me both positively and negatively. To begin the process of uncovering what values are causing the biggest impact and influencing the majority of my day to day life, I had to make myself more aware of whom I am. Taking a look back and identifying times that I was the happiest, proud, fulfilled and satisfied was the first step. Asking questions of myself such as; what was I doing, who, if anyone, was around and what factors played this biggest role in contributing to that feeling started the process of defining what my personal core values are. The conversations that I had with myself allowed me to see the perplexity of myself and what truly influences my perceptions and actions as well as allowed me to understand the difference in my actual values and the strategies I use to reach those values. Through this self-exploration, I came to realize that other than family and religion, there was a lot more to me; I also highly value being sensitive and empathetic, passionate, authentic, a role model and laughter. While there were several other areas of life that I value, I discovered that these were at the top of my list and essential for providing motivation and direction for my life. Personal Cor... ... middle of paper ... ...f their core values; however they are there and are responsible for determining the path we choose to take through life. These values are one of the things that make us unique and are responsible for our personal, mental, physical, spiritual, and professional growth. These values determine what our priorities in life are and when aligned properly we seem to be the most satisfied with the direction of our life. Discovering or uncovering personal core values are can be difficult. Often, these core values are acquired and influenced through our upbringing, environment, as well as social and religious interactions. As different stages are reached in life, it is likely that those values can change or become more clear and profound. Understanding and acknowledging personal values can help shape behaviors and help reach goals that will motivate personal achievements.

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