Importance Of Learning Self Control Essay

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It is hard for younger children to control over their mind and body.Therefore, children need motivation from someone ,who are mostly intimate people around children, effective personality to improve their self –control.The best way to learning self control is discipline. Discipline is the ability to control on the feeling and do right way at right time.Unfortunately, discipline and punishment implicate each others.Parents and teachers assume that if they give punishment, children learn how to be disciplined individuals.For example, parents generally force to eat something and if children reject to eat , parents give punishment against the child as a payback for his/her behavior.This punisment is not relate to the child’s behavior. Therefore, …show more content…

Some child development experts agree that children usually misbehave for one of four basic reasons.One of them is attention.When children believe they “belong” only when they are noticed.For example, Although children know how to put on their shoes, children refuse to dress it and they want to be dressed by others.In this situation, parents and teachers give positive attention at other times, ignoring inappropriate behavior and encouraging, redirecting or setting up special times.Secondly, children think that if they are in control or are providing that no one can ‘ boss them around.’For example, the child drop his pencil to the floor.The teacher said ‘Ali please take pencil on the floor’.But, Ali did not do anything and said that I do not want to take it, you take it.Although the teacher warn Ali again, Ali do not do anything.The teacher warn again loudly and she remind classroom orders.After these recall, Ali take pencil.But, always children do not keep calmer.So, parents or teachers wait children to be calmer, and they talk to children about rules, their behavior.They give limited choices or setting ressonable limits.Also, they encourage children to a more acceptable activity.In addition, when children believe that they belong only by hurting others, because they fell hurt themselves.For example, while children stand sequence in order to give their artifacts and talk about it, Defne push their friends and she do not wait for her turn.Because she want to go first, she hurt their friends.ın this situation, the main teacher talk to Defne, she says that I understand you.You want to show and talk about it, but other friends want to it, wait for your turn just like your friends.When children occur these behavior, teacher and parents talk to about the child’ feelings.Also, they spend more time the children.But, they do not blame the child, they encourage strengths.Lastly, inadequancy cause children to misbehave.When children believe they belong only when

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