Four Types Of Operant Conditioning By Fritz Red Kounin

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B.F. Skinner "A failure is not always a mistake, it may simply be the best one can do under the circumstances. The real mistake is to stop trying." (B.F. Skinner) Skinner believed in operant conditions which is the changing of behavior by use of reinforcement, which is given after the desired response(Wikibooks, 2015). He thought that positive and negative reinforcements lead to strengthen recurring behaviors and that non-reinforced behaviors, or punishments would have a weakening effect on behavior. The 4 types of reinforcers Skinner used were: social, graphic, activity, and tangible reinforcers. Three characteristics of operant conditioning that are important to behavioral management are: the reinforcer, the reinforcement schedule, and the timing of the reinforcement. The pros for operant conditioning are that it corrects misbehaviors and it can be applied to multiple settings and be evaluated/measured. Cons to operant conditions can be that the improved behaviors can disappear after time. It also can diminish freedom and free will of thought. Fritz …show more content…

Kounin's concepts for managing group instruction not only help identify key aspects of effective teaching, but can also be used to diagnose instructional problems and identify possible solutions.(Evertson.C. & Emmer. E.,2013) Kounin works with 5 main points: with-it-ness, overlapping, momentum, smoothness, and group focus. He focused on what is known as centers. Where children are able to do something for an allotted time, then must switch when the time is up. Kounin thinks the centers should have the five strategies by: indicating the directions for each center, displaying a visual to state where students should be after the time is up, and away for teachers to actively listen to concerns that are holding the students back. Kounin also believes that teachers must not remain idle at any

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