Importance Of French And Spanish Culture

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I have spent four yeares living in England, before of that i came for a short curse when i was a teen, i was able to appreciate a completely different culturo to my own and learn basic English. however i remember feeling frustrated with the language barrier this understanding of the importance of communication and my interest of French and Spanish culture has inspired me to study French and Spanish at university. at least if one day i would become a mother i wish that my children will speak English and French.

I met the most interesting people from lots of different cultures and was fascinated by how much i could relate to everyone since we were speaking Spanish, English or French, there was no language barrier in the way. this experience Sums up why I strogly believe in the importance of learning …show more content…

i like that, i need to comunicate, to express, to help and exchange culture, I need it!.

i have no words enough to express the feeling of

i love to spend time with one of my friend which one is French and his wife is mexican, i have always a fantastic opportunity to learn about their culture and way of life. Spanish and French culture are very similar, my mexican friend studied French in Quebec, where met her husband from france. we love to share tradition, opinions about our country, story, etc.

through my bachelor study in pedagogy at the University Uned and work expirience as volunteer, in agencies working for nurseries and schools, helped me to understand much more the connections between firms´and individuals´decisions,

due to the good mixture i got a well overall understanding how the lenguages are connected and obtained the basic knowledge to specialize myself in the undergraduate degree of French and

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