Why I Want To Be A Bilingual Literacy Essay

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It is my firm personal belief that every person has the right to communicate with others regardless of their culture, heritage, or language. When I was in fourth grade, a new student from Central America, Francisco, joined our class. He did not make any real friends that year since he could not speak our language. I remember playing games with him and him being so happy to be included despite the language barrier. As a freshman, I decided to become an interpreter due in large part to both my memories of Francisco and a Spanish teacher who taught me to love language. I have grown up hating the language barrier because it halts friendships and prevents thoughts from being shared, but as an interpreter, I will be able to help break that barrier. This is my goal in life and it gives me great joy to pursue this goal. …show more content…

I wanted to provide a resource for Hispanic students since it is hard to find resources that allow children to learn reading skills in Spanish. Being able to provide reading materials and later educate their teachers in the importance of bilingual reading was honestly one of the best experiences of my life. Being able to do things like this added confidence in my chosen career path. I built my speaking skills, gained confidence, and shared my joy while improving my Spanish language skills. Learning to be multilingual is incredible; however, it is extremely difficult to learn a language without help. That is where the StarTalk program becomes important to me. I speak English and am learning Spanish, but in order to be the best interpreter I can be, I want to know a third language specifically Chinese. I have been told that Chinese is very difficult for English speakers to learn. This does not deter me especially since Chinese is the most widely spoken language, and if such a large portion of the world already speaks Chinese, then who is stopping me from

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