Why I Am Proud To Be Bilingual

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I am proud to be Bilingual because I am able to communicate with two different groups of people in the world. I was born in the state of Illinois where I attend school. My mother is from El Salvador and my father is from Mexico. As a bilingual student, I learned Spanish at home with my family and English at school. In kindergarten, I went to a school that didn't have a Bilingual Program. It was difficult for me because I didn’t always understand certain words or phrases in English that I knew in Spanish, and sometimes I felt left out. In the middle of the year, my family moved me to a school with a Bilingual Program. Again, I had a hard time because now I had to learn all of the letter names and sounds in Spanish that I had been learning in English. I feel that although it was a difficult move, I am happy that my parents decided to move me to a Bilingual Program. Now, I could ask my teachers questions in Spanish about the words or things I didn’t understand. This helped me get more knowledge in English and to have a better vocabulary. I am proud to be bilingual for many reasons. However, in this paper, I will only explain three of the reasons. …show more content…

I can communicate with my family and friends that only speak one language. I can enjoy the marvelous stories that my grandparents and uncles tell me. I can also play with my cousins that live in El Salvador and Mexico. I am very proud of being bilingual because I represent the most important minorities in this great country, and I also represent other

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