Implications Of Kinesics And Kinnesics

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Nonverbal theory is broad with many avenues to explore. Kinesics focuses it to be more specifically about body movement and gestures, and is often referred as body language. This paper is exploring how these nonverbal have changed from generation to generations and the implications that creates in the world today. Kinesics play a major role in how we perceive information and allows others to gather information about us. The studies discussed in this paper highlight that while kinesics is not always at the top of our mind, it is always influencing us and our decisions. The research ends with how what has been observed is being applied to the world today and personal examples of the author. How can someone be communicating one …show more content…

Some scholars think they are all “learned, like speech, without any special effort on the part of the learner or the teacher; consequently, their importance and influence are often overlooked” (DeVito, 1968). This does not account for all nonverbal behavior like the self-touch gesture. The self-touch gesture happens when someone is nervous or intimidated, and looking for some self-assurance. While trained speakers can be taught to not to do this, who taught anyone to start doing this in the first place? These unconscious behaviors, especially body movements and gestures are what make nonverbal and kinesics interesting and important to understand …show more content…

How kinesics and certain non-verbal have changed and stayed the same between different generations? The kinesics of covering up when someone’s uncomfortable or standing up straight when feeling more empowered of confident are ones that have stayed constant throughout generations. Some will forever be universal. The biggest changes are coming from the generation who feels they somehow don’t need to put as much effort into communicating as other do. Millennials, the generation born after 1980 are most often criticized for their needs for praise and “instant success, partly because the continuous stream of media content never shares with viewers the hard work that success actually requires. And they have been applauded and affirmed for every step they have taken" (Espinoza et al., 2010, p. 96). This is the generation that got trophies for showing up” (Holm, 2012). This factor along with the fact that “for the first time in history, four distinct generations interact in the workplace…1) Traditionalists; 2) Baby Boomers;3) Generation Xers; and 4) Millennials”(Krohn, 2004), creates disconnect in how each generation responds to the nonverbal of the others. While researcher, the same word kept reappearing for millennials, multitasking. this is a positive for more work but a negative for a basic nonverbal way to communicate, eye

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