Ideal Mother Essay

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1. Ideal fathers based from children literature sources were characterized as stern disciplinarian. “He left the child alone in a room and gave orders that no one was to speak to Heman or give him food or drink until further notice” (p.157). Ideal mothers were characterized as sentimental, loving, nurturing and submissive to their husbands. “The mother sat by, suffering, of course, most acutely, but perfectly satisfied that it was their duty to subdue the child, and that in such a trying hour a mother’s feelings must not interfere” (p.166). She possessed defined virtue such as purity and so “Mothers are the only proper persons to convey such knowledge to a child’s mind. They can do it without throwing the slightest stain upon youthful purity” (p.169). Mothers were regarded as homemakers. “A knowledge of domestic duties is beyond all price to a woman” (p.168). Ideal sons listened to their parents, dutiful, honest and decent. “While I regret the loss of my favourite, I rejoice in my son, who always speaks the truth” (p.174). Ideal daughters were expected to have modest manners and learn domestic duties in order to prepare them become ideal mothers. “When a girl is nine or ten years old, she should be accustomed to take some regular household duties, and to feel responsible for the manner in which it is done” (p.168). The ideal characteristics of each members of an ideal family complement their roles and division of power. The father was the symbol of dominance and provider of the family. The mother was a symbol of domesticity that takes care of the family. The daughters and sons were expected to listen to the commands of their parents. Nancy Shippen’s way of child rearing was imposing strict rules and expectations. Francis Wayland ...

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...resent world” (p.173). The books that I have read when I was a child were not limited. They tackled proper values but the books were diverse, full of pictures and described the characters with fun and adventure. I was able to select literature books with minimum parent’s supervision. The novels that I read were also intended for adult readings. It shows that some children’s literature was intended to have dual audiences. Aside from printed materials, new technologies such as television became a big onset in children’s education. But suitable programming with adult supervision, television can become an effective medium for children. Television provides different levels of information and subject matters. On the other hand, the American Sunday School Union as a national religious association was devoted to promoting children’s early literacy and spiritual development.

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