I Want To Pursue A Degree In The Medical Field

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“Education must not simply teach work, it must teach life” ~ Dubious. Since arriving in this country , my parents taught me the value of using education as a platform to create better opportunities not only for myself, but also those around me. Being faced with the challenges of navigating myself through a different culture and environment, empowered my sense of curiosity, emboldened my desire to excel, and strengthened my foundation of self-discipline and perseverance.” I have found these qualities to be valuable throughout my life, and specifically through medical school.” Medical school has given me the foundation of knowledge to treat human diseases. In addition, through the patient’s I’ve met along the way, I learned that kindness, …show more content…

During undergrad and medical school, I conducted research, which honed by ability to determine the efficacy and validity of medical research. This will allow me to practice evidence-based medicine, which leads to better health outcomes for patients. “Having spent the majority of life on the receiving end, I take pride in sharing the knowledge I received. I repeatedly took opportunities to teach in college, medical school, and during clinical …show more content…

During 3rd year, I was humbled and tremendously gratified being with elderly veterans “at the bedside, with having the daily challenge of managing their multiple chronic medical problems, and keep up with their acute and long-term care. One particular veteran comes to mind. Mr. Smith became mute and hemi-paraplegic after suffering a massive embolic stroke. With the help of the Internal Medicine team and a host of other medical professionals, Mr. Smith underwent 8 months of grueling daily physical therapy before his right hand started to quiver. In spite of not regaining full motor strength in his legs, he used the gift of his hands to continue holding his wife’s hand, while developing a new ability hold a paintbrush and express himself through artwork. With his wife at his bedside holding the canvas, Mr. Smith created inspiring paintings that would one day hang in the halls of the VA. I still pass by the wall that contains a framed painting with a luminescent bright white light coming from the depths of the surrounding dark colors , and it read “It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light”~Aristotle Onassis. There’s something unbelievably kind and strong about the patients I met on the floors of the Veterans Hospital. During their care, these patients, even as they were losing something that seems so unbearable to

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