I Love Monologue

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You often cross my mind. My friends tell me I’m crazy. Maybe I am. At times, it’s tempting to ask our friends how you’re doing. But I don’t bother. Tempting to call you.. but I dismiss it. You’ve moved on. I’m dating again. World doesn’t stop spinning. We’ve got our own lives.

I’ve spent so much time convincing myself it was you that fucked up. Never accepting my role in our demise. Accountablity. You would always preach that. Now I understand that we equally ruined us. Truthfully, I know that I never cross your mind. You didn’t call. You didn’t text. You had no fight left in you. Can’t blame you. I was impulsive. Naïve. I deeply cared. You questioned that often. I wish you didn’t. I loved you the moment I met you. I’ll love you til your last

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