Poem Analysis: The Break Up

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The Break Up The stages every girl seems to go through. The End. Whether it was clean break or a complete mess, its over. No more five phone calls, no more late night road trips. The feeling of your hands intertwined, though still fresh in your mind, is now nothing more than a memory. What is real and what is now is the pain you feel. The awareness of a sort of emptiness. It’s like you’re in the middle of the ocean with no life preserver, being pulled down with each wave. Will you ever be happy again? Do they feel the same sadness that your heart is consumed with? Or was everything a lie…? The Reminiscing Remember that time you stayed up till 5 in the morning talking about everything from your scariest ghost stories to your most embarrassing moments? Or the day you drove almost 2 hours on a search for the worlds best milkshake? Remember how mad he got when you used to take Snapchat videos of him? God, he was so …show more content…

"Really, I’m okay.” No matter how many times you say it, people just don’t seem to believe it. Its been weeks since you last spoke and each day it is getting easier. You are finding yourself and learning that, though you still miss him, you do NOT need him. Life can be lived with just a few good friends. You are okay and you will be …show more content…

You haven’t spoken, or so much as glanced at his Twitter. Things are going fine! Until you receive a text from a number you don’t recognize. Your heart drops to your stomach because, though you tried to forget it, you know it’s his number. You unlock your phone and it reads “Hey…” Oh heck to the no! He thinks he can just waltz back in here like nothing ever happened. Does he know how bad he hurt you? You can’t just let him back in that easily. But, you do. You can’t help it. Soon enough you’re texting each other 90 miles and minute and it’d just like it used to be. You reminisce on good times and talk about whats new, and in that moment you forget about all the pain he put you

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