I Love Monologue

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Ah! The ability of us humans to be different people every day... it's beautiful, isn't it? Every day is a fresh start for you. You can look at it like a fresh chapter in your life. The next 24 hours are yours. You can do whatever you want with them. Time is your canvas, you can paint away.

Well, for most people, this revelation happens some time in the early hours of dawn. But for me, it happens in the dark hours of the night. I don't know why I've always been so fascinated by the dark - it's mysterious, it's beautiful. And that's how the third hour is for me.

The liberty to do anything I please. The freedom to be who I want to be. The privilege to watch or read whatever I want - I can't think of anything that could please me more. Along …show more content…

We've had some amazing discussions: about science, about spirituality, about relationships, about love, about anything and everything. Right from our innocent discussions to our naughty flirtations, I've enjoyed everything with him. The best part is that it has never been awkward. It has never seemed abnormal. The night has been day for us. It has always been nothing short of incredible.

Rohan and I - I might not have written too much about Rohan here. But truth be told, he is one of most easy-going persons I've ever met. I wish I had fallen in love with him.

Just like Sumit, Rohan and I have never been awkward about talking to each other at 3 in the night. Maybe it's our love for the night that bought us close to each other. We've discussed everything - current affairs, science, cosmology, sex(a lot about sex), career, love(in general, except for the time he asked me out), friends, and what not. The best part about sharing this hour with Rohan has been the fact that I can talk to him about anything under the sun. He always responds well. But the downside to this has been the fact that Rohan and I have been so comfortable with each other that I've never been attracted to

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