I Love Monologue

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Just like a moth drawn to a flame, I was drawn to you. Your smile made me happy, your cry broke my heart, you were my everything. My life, my world were surrounded by your well being. Every time I see you, you make my heart flutter, every time you kiss me, fireworks explode within me, even your gentle touch creates sparks that light up my world. I started to dress up for you, put on makeup for you, all I wanted to do was to look good for you. My life was all about pleasing you, until now.

Your words cut deeper than a knife. The day you told me I wasn't good enough for you, that you didn't love me anymore, it was as if a sword Slowly pierced into my heart, as the blood trickle down my shirt. I did everything to try and please you, to entertain you, my world revolved around you, and this is …show more content…

I would have to forgot about our pass, our love story, our everything. I told myself , “ move on, start over with someone else, forget about him.” But how could I? How could I? After everything we've been through, how could i forget you so quickly, just as you have forgotten about me.

Months passed, memories of us slowly faded , just as the smoke from a flickering candle vanishing in thin air . I tried to hold on to what I have left of us, but I told myself, you have to let go to move on. After spending months lying on the sofa, reminiscing on our past, eating ice cream out of a box while watching Netflix, endless tears pouring onto the ground, it is time to stop, time to move on.

I changed into what I would usually wear, before us, jeans and band t shirt with a beanie on top of my head. There was no point in impressing you by wearing tight dresses which makes me unable to breathe, or shorts skirts which makes me look like a slut, when you're not there. The usual me, I liked the feeling of that, a feeling that I haven't had for a long long

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