I Am Legend Character Traits

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The world today has been built up by leaders, who have time and again shown Ignatian values, by being able to grow and adapt, and being devoted to justice in the world around them. These traits were certainly not lost on Tomonaga Ijiro, who learned how to survive flesh eating corpses, Dr. Robert Neville, who defended others while fighting off Blood thirsty darkseekers, and General Grant, who made new ways to fight off monsters in now ravaged human bodies. In "I Am Legend," Robert Neville heroically displays committed to doing justice when he protects Anna and Ethan from a darkseeker, and when he stays in Manhattan to fight the darkseekers. As the darkseekers invade Dr. Robert Neville’s home to attack him, Anna and Ethan are trapped
When Tomonga hears of the outbreak, he flees to the Hidakka mountains to die. However he soon learns a new way to stay alive in the wilderness, by getting naturally growing fruits and vegetables, bathing in the springs, and being ever vigilant of any attackers. He keeps watch using his hearing and smell, making a “circle of sensory security” as he called it to protect the land (Brooks, 219). Although Ijiro went there to die, he finds way to not only live, but thrive under these conditions. He maximizes the use of all the senses he can to survive deep in the forest, and keep the beautiful landscape safe from the hungry corpses. Ijiro also learns how to help others after the war. Ijiro is the founder of the Shield Society, which helps other people learn armed and unarmed techniques to fight of the living dead, using both Japanese and non-Japanese methods (Brooks, 338). Ijiro uses his survival skills, and learns to teach others, and does so well at it, the Japanese government makes them an independent branch. FTomongo Ijiro is constantly learning new things, whether it's killing Zombies, or helping

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