An Analysis of Contrasting Elements in Yukio Mishima’s The Sailor Who Fell From Grace with the Sea

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Cultural Contradictions: An Analysis of Contrasting Elements in Yukio Mishima’s The Sailor Who Fell From Grace with the Sea

In every direction the sea rages and growls, tumbling its inhabitants in an ever-lasting rumble. Glory, honor, and duty are washed upon the glimmering golden shores of the Japanese empire. The sturdy land-bearers clasp hands with those thrown into the savage arms of the ocean. This junction of disparate milieus forms the basis of an interlocking relationship that ties conflicting elements and motifs to paint a coherent, lucid final picture. In The Sailor Who Fell From Grace with the Sea, Mishima incorporates the impact of contradictory settings of land and sea, combative ideologies of the Western and Eastern hemispheres, and inherent dissimilarities amongst the characters’ lifestyles in order to reinforce the discrepancy between his ideal Japan and the country he observed.

The setting shows a world of opposing ideals, contrasting the weight and solidification of the port and land with the open and free sailor life that Ryuji has been living. This realm of opposites is bolstered by the physical environment in which the characters are placed. Yokohama, a busy Japanese shipping town, is an ideal representation of conflicting spheres. As the city is the ideal connection amidst land and sea, the ocean plays a vital point in connecting the differing ideologies present in the novel. As the plot begins, Fusako and Ryuji’s affair show how Ryuji attempted to overcome the grasp of sealife. The scene of consummation shows the elements of land and sea, Fusako and Ryuji respectively, in perfect harmony with each other as “the universal order [was] at last achieved” (13). The simply beautiful act of sex becomes su...

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...of Yokohama. Furthermore, Fusaku represents the ever-present western philosophy, as she is constantly surrounded by imported Western goods and the entailed modern lifestyle. On the other hand, her son Noboru holds manliness and more traditional Japanese values dear to his heart, as presented politically in the final execution of Ryuji. This fall from grace of Ryuji is abruptly halted by his death, thus presenting Mishima’s concept that Japan will restore its original splendor once westernization becomes discarded and diminished from the originally traditional Japan. The assasination of Ryuji presents an enlightening moment for the character as in the blink of an eye, Ryuji understands his weakness: death alone is the only way to correct his massive blunder.

Works Cited

Mishima, Yukio. The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea. New York: Knopf, 1965. Print.

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