Hunting In America Essay

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Hunting has two parts, the waiting, and the action. The waiting is easy, simple, and innocent. It’s the action part that scares people, the thought of random men sitting in the woods with guns waiting to kill something. But these random men and women are educated on this sport. There are three simple arguments as to why hunting should be not frowned upon in our country: it reconnects humans with nature, guns protect people, and when done for human survival it is morally okay.

Nature and Humans Reunite Hunting is an American tradition. The Native Americans that lived here so many years ago didn’t just go to the nearest Wal-mart and grab some buffalo for dinner, and a big old canteen of water. No, they hunted and gathered for what they needed. …show more content…

A moral is something that is concerning what is right. So what is right when it comes to hunting? I can list what is not morally correct. Killing a deer only for an amazing picture on facebook, or that life long competition with your buddy of who can shoot the biggest deer and leave it in the woods. Hunting is legitimate only when it serves a vital human interest (Rowlands). Which means that you don't just go kill something. You go kill dinner for your family that will last the next two months. Then some people claim that hunting is essential to their happiness (Rowlands).Well if that's true then your happiness thrives on killing and leaving deer, turkeys, coyotes, pheasants, dove, and bear out to spoil? To me that is not morally correct. In an ideal world where everyone got to choose where and how they lived. We might question the people who would choose to live where they have to hunt to merely survive (Rowlands). Then there's the people who don’t know any better. The people who grew up as a native american, or their parents didn't believe in buying food from a grocery store, but instead growing everything. Back in rural communities in 8500 b.c. hunting was a way of life. they absolutely had to hunt to survive, stay warm, and clothe themselves (Laney). These people had no choice to murder these animals that were also hunting

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