Hunter Gatherers In The Neolithic Era

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Hunter-gatherers started in the Lower Paleolithic Era (Old Stone Age) about 2.5, there were hunter-gatherers in the Mesolithic Era, Neolithic Era, and until now. So that means hunter-gatherers started a long time ago. The first hunter-gatherers were found in Africa, they hunted and gathered foods for a living. Women had to gather fruits, seasonal vegetables, wild seeds, nuts, tubers, roots, and seafood. In the Neolithic Era, people started to have animals as pets so they gather eggs in that particular time period.They eat this to have a balanced diet. Men do the work for hunting, they hunt for large animals like bison, buffalo, woolly rhinoceroses, giant oxen, deer, elephant-like mammoths, and mastodon. but sadly, mammoths and mastodons …show more content…

But if they can’t find a sharp rock, then they take a rock and rub against each other to make the rock sharp so they can kill the animals. There is also another to way to kill animals. The hunters chase the animals down the cliff and the animals will fall down the cliff and it will die. In the Mesolithic Era, people polished their sharp rock into better tools. In the Neolithic Era, they added wood sticks and tied the wood stick with the sharp rock and they also invented the bow and arrow so it would be much easier to kill animals.They also use the spears to cut the meat after the animals are dead. They also used animal bones to make fishing hooks to fish the fishes or they used the bones as a needle to sew animal skin together. They also use bones to use as spears too.They also learned to tie plant fibers together, which they used them as nets to carry around objects. They started seeing fire by forest fire or lightning constructing the forest. They figured out that fire can cook meat. So in order to save to fire, they wrapped stones around it to keep it safe. In the Mesolithic and Neolithic Era, they learned how to make the fire by rubbing two wood sticks together. They used fire to cook the meat, make tools, and also protect them from animals attacking them. But they also have to worry about another region attacking them, or stealing their food or …show more content…

They also have paintings on their bodies by using a type of red clay named ochre. They also carved some animal paintings for decoration. They draw types of large animals like bison, mammoths, giant bulls, horses, and birds. Historians are still researching about them, but they believe that these animals had a religious meaning, they also think that these animals are meant to represent powerful spirits. Their religion is different depending on what group you are in. The first religion is Animistic beliefs which are the feature of nature. They also respect shamans (a person that heal illness or tell the

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