Compare And Contrast Paleolithic And Neolithic

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Overtime life has changed a lot for people, especially when comparing Paleolithic life and Neolithic life. From social aspects to religious aspects Paleolithic and Neolithic people were pretty different and many things developed overtime.
In the Paleolithic period, people lived in smaller bands of people, and they migrated to many different places. In comparison, Neolithic people lived in larger, permanent settlements as cities started to emerge during this time. Social life was also different in the fact that there wasn’t much social distinction between people in Paleolithic life, yet in Neolithic life, specialization of labor distinguished people more as they could now make more money than others.
Comparing the religious aspects of life …show more content…

Paleolithic people expressed art in the form of cave paintings which were used to tell stories, show hunting expeditions, or just to beautify their living space. Neolithic people started manufacturing pots, jewelry, and textiles as they were more advanced and they had more resources. Neolithic people also accumulated more knowledge as they started discovering how to survive seasons by associating them with the different positions of the sun, moon, and stars.
Technology was vastly different between these time periods as well. Paleolithic people made basic tools, like spears and bows, with the little resources that they had at the time. They also made disguises out of animal skins which really shows what materials they had to make weapons and tools with. On the other hand, Neolithic people discovered new ways of making tools which were more advanced than in earlier, Paleolithic times. Neolithic people learned how to melt copper to make better weapons and tools such as knives and axes.
Ways to get your food has also changed between ages. During the Paleolithic age, people relied on big game hunting and foraging to get their food. Later in the Neolithic era it changed as people relied on cultivation and trading with other people to get their supply of

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