Humorous Wedding Toast by the Bride's Brother

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Humorous Wedding Toast by the Bride's Brother

Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen.

Firstly, on behalf of the bridesmaids, I'd like to thank Mike for his kind words and reiterate how wonderful they look and what a fantastic job they have done today. I would also like to say that Sallie looks stunning - as I'm sure you'll all agree. Which really isn't that much of a surprise given we are related.

Sallie is of course my sister, so I've known her much longer than I've known Mike. But I have been sternly warned not to delve into any of her terrible past relationships, her horrible pre- and post-teen attitude, her early problems with alcohol and the short spell she spent in a Singapore jail for drug trafficking. Instead, all I'll say is that, as I have seen her grow up, she has become...

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