Humorous Wedding Speech: Life And Death Of A Mother

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Like a super hero, we rushed into delivery room like a flash. We put our lab coats on, then flew to where our patient was. We extracted blood from a mother who was fighting between life-and-death for her and for her baby's life. I saw her pain, her cries, her sweat and blood. I witnessed her story. I witnessed the smile on her face as she threw away her eyes on a lovely human being next to her. I couldn't imagine how excited the father was to see his newborn baby. I was there dumbfounded, celebrating the birth of the soon-to-be president of our country(who knows? Haha. My name will find its own space on her biography if it happens. Naks.). Witnessing that event drives me into realizations. Your mother fought a great battle for her and for your life in the battlefield(delivery room). My friend, You are blessed! Imagine the struggle of your father outside the delivery room while waiting for you two. Imagine the joy you brought to your father's face as he was holding you close in his arms. Indeed, you are special! From billion …show more content…

Guys, they deserved so much love and respect! Express and expand it more. Imagine how He made us by details. From the genes in our chromosomes, DNA, RNA, hormones, different kind of cells which our body is composed of, that we human came from union of sperm cell and egg cell, that we have our own soldiers in our body-WBC (Isn't amazing? I guess I can write a book just writing about it. Haha.). Oh Lord, You're awesome! You made us perfectly! You too is awesome! You are loved! But what startled me most is that, this love story.. I once heard this before. This is the only love story I know which never loses its spark even if it happened thousand of years ago. And it makes my heart goes lubdublubdub whenever I meditate on it (like this time, I'm having tachycardia as if I drank gallons of coffee). Yet, the protagonist of the story is not a "she", He is a

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