Humorous Wedding Speech: I Demeaned Their Values

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Pardon all the times that I have put in words, speech and actions my care towards you. I should have remained silence after the first time you demeaned their value by continuing to be careless. Honestly, I would not ever understand what prompted you to betray my trust and undermine all of my values. All I know, is that beyond your shortcomings, I wish you find the solace to commune with your deficiencies and to value your sufficiencies.

To love oneself and another is never to accept to be claimed, used or abused by the ones we love or the ones that said to love us. To love is to respect, honor, cherish and celebrate ourselves and those we love. Love is a practice. Love is to be compassionate and kind towards the self and the others’. With loving oneself we free ourselves to share and accept love. I wish you love …show more content…

You have dishonored my journey. Because I love you and I care about you, I would never blame, shame or attach this to who you are. I believe you are growing every day to be the best that you can be. You are enough. You are imperfect as we are all, but you are worthy of love and belonging. There is nothing that could make you unlovable. I am imperfect and I apologize for my shortcomings, I am committed to helping you grow and learn to appreciate the time that others share with you. I apologize if I have hurt you and I am sorry if you continue to misrepresent, misunderstand and create ideas of who I am that do not correspond with me. I am sorry, for you have created an idea that does not represent me. I share love that is responsible, that holds itself accountable and that is rooted in respect. I ask of my friends, my family, my partners and others that are worthy and value my time for a similar perspective on their practice of

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