Humorous Wedding Speech

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Good morning, ladies and gentlemen! Hope you all enjoy yourselves today! I feel honored to represent all the friends of today’s prettiest bride, Liao Yuxin, to stand here, and share something about her with you. Actually, when she told me this exciting news on the phone months ago, I felt a little at a loss. (Thank god that moment she could not see my face! >_<) I mean, my best friend was getting married!! She’s gonna have her own little sweet family ! I felt like I was losing her bit by bit. I even thought selfishly how perfect if she could never get married. Nevertheless, my mind changed after several days’ introspection. As her best friend ever, how could I think like that? Meeting and falling in love with someone, dating and marring are the right things to do, when the time is right. I was ashamed of what I had been thinking, but it was because I loved her so much. …show more content…

Therefore, as long as she is surrounded by felicity, I will do whatever I can to support her. I think you are just the same, and that’s why we are here today. Speaking of her, all my memories start to flash back. We’ve been knowing each other since we were about 12. It’s really a long time from now. During these years, we have never quarreled for once as a result of her gentle temper and mild character. After such a long time, one thing in my mind was still as clear as a newly brushed window. She was always considerate to buy me a drink or snacks at lunch time. (BTW, maybe that’s why I chose her to be my best friend~LOL) Yet, her generosity was not only to me, but to everyone. When problems arose, Yuxin always gave priority to others. I can still picture it when we went watching movies. We just sit there in silence for several hours, feeling not awkward at all.I sincerely want to thank you for the influence you have on me,and I extremely appreciate your presence in my

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