Life Happens Scholarship

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Life Happens Scholarship In July it will be two years since I got a call from my dad that turned my world upside down. With the tone in his voice, I could tell that something was extremely wrong. As soon as my sister and I got home, he sat us down and told us both that our mother had taken her life. As soon as those words left his mouth, I was speechless. I felt totally blindsided. A million things flashed into my mind. I was only 15, how am I supposed to go through the rest of my life without my mother, my rock, and my number 1 fan? She’s going to miss my sweet sixteen. She is going to miss my graduation. She’s going to miss my first day of college. With that thought, I stopped. How was I supposed to make it through college without a mother to look out for me? To check up on me? How am I going to be able to afford college in the first place? I, by myself, have no way of affording. Then, I remembered that I am not alone. That I have my whole family to support me, and to guide me. That this is all new to them too, and that we are all going through the same thing. That we would all overcome this obstacle. …show more content…

No matter if it’s a song on the radio that comes on that we used to sing along to, or if it’s a beautiful sunset that I wish she was here to see, I am reminded. I always wonder what I could’ve done differently. What I could’ve done differently where she would still be here, experiencing life with me. Experiencing those moments with me. I think about all of our plans that we had for the future. I think about how life insurance for my mother might have made a difference in my life. A more profound fund might not have me stressed about college and how to afford it. If we would have been prepared then I would not have to worry about things

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