Hpv Vaccine Persuasive Essay

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Share what you know about the HPV vaccine after watching the video and reading the article. Is it safe? Should it be mandatory for all middle school and high school students? Finally, if you are comfortable share your experiences, good or bad, if you have gotten the vaccine. Lastly, comment on how you might approach this topic with your doctor for yourself and/or if you needed to approach the subject for your child.
While Gardasil tends to protect against the Human Papillomavirus it doesn’t appear to protect against all strains of the virus. After Gardasil hit the market individuals started feeling the side effects fairly rapidly, and it’s known to cause paralysis, seizures, and autoimmune diseases, but does the vaccine out way the risk of getting cervical cancer (The Dangers, 2012)? …show more content…

Of course there are unreported cases, but according to the CDC using the statistics available a person has roughly a 0.0008% chance of having any type of complications from the vaccine which isn’t that significant but there is always that chance. When you compare the statistics of people getting cancer from the virus and the amount of side effects from the Vaccine the statistics change significantly. (With doing all of the calculations from the information I gathered from the CDC website and FDA website I concluded at the vaccine reduces just over 88 percent of the complications from the Human Papillomavirus of course these are all reported cases, and not exact figures). According to the statistics the vaccine tends to be more preventative then harmful but in regards to being mandatory for middle school and high school children it should be up to the parents to decide whether they want their child vaccinated or not. Although nothing is foolproof when adding a foreign substance to one’s body so there is a

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