How to Select The Right Employees

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How to Select the Right Employees

Hiring and keeping competent employees is critical to business success. However, you must develop a strategy to discover them. With the right employees you can accomplish many organizational goals. Fortunately, when a conflict arises in an organization, a good business team will know how to handle the situation. Whether a person is a manager, subordinate, or president, it is very important that you avoid a bad hire.

The recruitment process must be handled carefully and taken very seriously. Objectivity, responsibility, qualifications, and a good offer make it possible to recruit potential employees. Recruitment in the public sector must be fair, open, and representative. Usually, the recruitment process involves a few steps. It includes advertisement, testing and screening, preparation, and decision- making. (Denhardt, Robert, Public Administration, Harcourt Brace and Co., Orlando, FL., 1999, pg. 213) The most scrutinized process of recruitment has been testing and screening. This process can happen through interviews, references, recommendations, and proper review of the applications. You can also use higher measures such as performance, assessments, job-related knowledge, and various tests. Without accurate screening, you are likely to hire someone that will not be productive to your organization. This is a fair process to attract prospective employees. Next, you must make sure that individuals have the appropriate qualifications that meet the job description. Then, after intense review you should be able to identify the best-qualified applicant. The standard recruitment process in the federal system has been described as "slow, unimaginative, and, unassertive. (Cohen, Steven and Eim...

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...ring incompetent people.


Cohen, Steven and Eimicke, William. The New Effective Public Manager,

Jossey-Bass Inc. San Francisco, CA, 1988

Denhardt, Robert. Public Administration, Harcourt & Brace Co., Orlando, FL, 1999.

Falcone, Paul. 96 Great Interview Questions to ask Before you Hire, American Management Association, NY, New York, 1997

Greenberg, Jerald. Managing Behavioral in Organizations, Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1999

Miner, Mary and Miner, John. Employee Selection Within The Law, The Bureau of National Affairs Inc., Washington, DC, 1978.

Northcraft, Gregory and Neale, Margaret. Organizational Behavior, The Dryden Press, 1990

Stahl, O. Public Personnel Administration, Harper and Row, NY, New York, 1971

Whetten, David and Cameron, Kim, Developing Management Skills, Addison-Wesley Educational Publishers Inc., 1998

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