Managerial Escalator

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Examining the Extent to Which the Experience of Two Managers Fits the Concept of the Managerial Escalator


1) Executive summary

1.1 Outline and summary of the report

2) Introduction

3.1 A brief of the report

3) Theories

3.2 The managerial escalator

4.1 The managerial hybrid

4.2 The managerial gap

4) Findings

4.3 Comparisons of the theories and the mangers

5) Conclusion

7.1 conclusion of the report

6) Bibliography

8.1 References

7) Appendix

9.1 Interview questions / Manager References

Role of the Manager

Executive summary

This report shows and examines the extent to which the concept of the managerial escalator fits into the work of a manager. For this report I interviewed two managers of my choice, I investigated whether I could identify the two managers as hybrids and to what extent the followed the managerial escalator. I also identified to what extent it is possible to identify a Managerial Gap with either Manager. At the end, I discover the strategies which the employing organization has utilized in order to support these Managers.


This report sets the terms followed by managers .The report will be split into 3 different 0parts first stating what the concept and model of the ‘Managerial Escalator’ is by referring back to Rees & Porter’s aim and concept of the model, also stating their view on the ‘Managerial Escalator’, the second part of the report would aim to justify and analyze whether or not the two managers results match with the managerial responsibilities and launch the amount to which their progression into management, and daily management routines, fit into the Managerial Escalator.


The Managerial Escalator

The managerial escalator aim...

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...ars you’ve worked as a manager?

As a manager do you feel the need to make instinctive decisions or strategic decisions based on planning?

When you first became a manager did you find it hard understanding the managerial element that is required in the job?

Are the results of the business the most effective way of measuring your success as a manager?

Are you happy with your current position or would you like to go upper high?

What is the hardest thing of being a manager?

Do you fell affected about what your personal think about you?

Do you think personality counts more than skills or vice versa or is it balancing act between the two?

Manager A ../Downloads/Role of the manager Interview .docx

Victor C. , Manager at Westminster Kingsway college

Manager B ../Downloads/Role Of Manager Interview Questions.docx

Scott G., Manager at Barclays

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