How a business like John Lewis needs specific employability skills.

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Employers will always want hard-working employees, as the company as a whole will benefit and have the best outcomes. At John Lewis, teamwork would be a quality that is essential, as there would be many tasks that would require good teamwork. To have good team work qualities, you would have to have nice personal qualities, so people will find it easy to get along with you. This links in with the co-operation skills. It is imperative that you get along with your colleagues, to have a good working environment. Co-operation skills are vital not just for cooperating with co-workers, but with customer’s as well. Willingness to work hard and complete deadlines is a big quality that employers will look for. John Lewis will also want professional employees, that make the business look professional and themselves. This doesn’t only mean dressing smartly and appropriately, but how you interact with customers and clients. A candidate of John Lewis would need the ability to observe and raise professional standards, which means they would have to observe the professional feel of the company, and ...

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