How To Sleep Journal Essay

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Sleep Journal
Sleep plays an important role in everyone’s overall wellbeing. Sleep is the time where our brain can process and sort the abundant information we received throughout our day. During sleep our bodies repair, restore, and rejuvenate neural growth, memory consolidation, and it also protects us from cellular damage. (Feist and Rosenberg, 2012, pg. 243) All of those, combined, are quite important for our everyday normal function, and not getting enough sleep can be detrimental to our well beings. So in order to see personally how sleep plays a factor in my life, I recorded how much sleep I received for the past ten days, and how my overall mood and performance was throughout each day. Here’s what I found.
On average, all adults should be getting around 7-8 hours of sleep a night, though not all do, (Feist and Rosenberg, 2012, pg. 245) so with doing the math of 7-8 hours of sleep times by ten days, I should be getting 70-80 hours every ten days, or 49- 56 hours a week. If only the act of getting sleep was as easy as the math it takes to calculate the numbers, which would be amazing. From my …show more content…

I have always thought that your mood was dependent upon the circumstance you are in at the moment, and the way you decide to interpret your circumstance, but sleep also plays a role. I noticed that on the days I received over 6 hours and 40 minutes I was happier and more likely to take any negative news exceptionally well. Another thing I noticed was that I was more attentive in my classes, and hardly ever felt tired during school, which helped me to comprehend the new information at each lessen. On the other hand though, days I got less than 6 hours and 40 minutes, I was tired all day, I felt overwhelmed with my busy schedule, and I wasn’t as happy as I normally was. Now I know that for me at least, the more sleep I receive, the better off I will be

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