How To Live Petrine Shrimp

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In 5 petri dishes used pipettes to gather 20 live brine shrimp and place in each dish. Labeled each petri dish accordingly and then observed the live brine shrimp in their controlled environment for 5 minutes. After the 5 minutes I counted the number of live brine shrimp and recorded the information. Hypothesis is that 20% concentration of ammonia will kill off 50% of the brine shrimp. Petri Dish Solution Contaminant Contaminant Concentration 1 15mL 0mL 0% 2 15mL .5mL 3.22% 3 15mL 1mL% 6.25% 4 15mL 2mL% 11.76% 5 15nL 3mL% 16.67% Next began adding the bleach to the petri dishes using pipettes. Each petri dish was given a different percentage of contaminant. Again, I set the timer for 5 minutes then counted the number of live brine

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