How Music Changed My Life

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I remember the first time my dad strummed the melodic tune that would forever remain with me. As a symbol of an iconic change in music, The Beatles have and always will impact music history and culture. This British band changed pop and rock music forever and left an impact on the minds of all who listened. The first time I was exposed to the passionate yet delicate lyrics and stunning melodies of simplicity, my world was changed forever. As my dad played to me every night to fall asleep, music became engraved in every fiber of my being. I too began to find my own voice and sing to the melodies, long before I could speak fully eloquent sentences. At the age of three I knew so much about this era of music and my passion to be a part of it continued to grow. Those who know me well have always said I have an old soul. That it is as if i had already lived years beyond my age. I'd like to think that I'm mature, well spoken, confident, and an intelligent young woman. I've always …show more content…

I think this was the beginning of discovering writing. I'm not sure exactly how it happened. Was it something magical in the air that day? I'm not sure. But for whatever reason, I wrote my first song. From that moment I was hooked, and I knew I could do something more with this. I knew that this is what I was always looking for in writing, what I didn't know I had craved and hoped for my whole life. Different mediums of art have always left huge imprints in society. Since the beginning of history, art has been a way of confronting the uncomfortable and expressing political, societal, and personal issues/values. An important piece of American Art and its history, the Wadsworth Atheneum is the oldest public museum in the country. The historic establishment holding work from 5,00 years opened in 1842 and is still open today. This iconic museum, established by Daniel Wadsworth, has left Hartford County with a perm any mark of

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