How Is Hope Shown In Shawshank Redemption

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Shaw essay The movie Shawshank Redemption is story about Andy Dufresne a now felon convicted of two murder charges the reader does not know if he even committed. In prison Andy, Red, Brooks, and the other prisoners have to decide if hope is even worth having in the position they are in. People can remain hopeful in the darkest times of their life. Among all the inmates Brooks stands out for the individuals who have lost all hope and have fallen into despair. He is released from prison, but is institutionalized by the system for the last fifty years now having no idea about anything around him. Before Brooks was in prison vacuum cleaners were just being invented and now there are cars that fill the streets making him out of place in an unfamiliar world. He takes care of a bird fallen out if his nest named Jake. He however is not meant to be cageded and be able to live on the outside unlike Brooks. Brooks has made a hobby of feeding the birds at the park to where he wishes for something impossible, that Jake would come back to visit, but he never …show more content…

The warden is no help as he puts Andy in solitary confinement also known as “the hole” for two months which is more than any other prisoner has ever been in for. In the hole Andy thinks about escaping and living a new life in Mexico. When he is out and talks to Red he sounds crazy as if there is nothing, but nonsense to be said. It was only after Andy was able to get to Mexico that Red took what he said to heart. When Andy left his prison self died and became reborn. Red has a hard time adapting to life outside and starts to feel discouraged till he decides to break parole and reunite with Andy. Red could've have never taken a chance and yet he did to feel free of all the burden he used to have. Even when Andy and Red were the most vulnerable he still found life and did not sink into

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