How Informative Essay: Is Dance A Sport?

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Most professional ballerinas wear out 2-3 pointe shoes a week. That’s buying brand new pointe shoes every 2 months. When dancers perform they make it look easy but inside they are exhausted because dance is very intense. Dance is a sport because just like any other sport dancers compete, dance is similar to a lot of other sports, and you need to be mentally and physically strong.

First off, dancers compete and try to win just as any other sport would. Dance competitions are in fact broadcasted on Espn, which stands for Entertainment Sports Programming Network, as well as other sporting events. (espnwwos) This proves that dancers are apart of sporting events to show off their talent and skills just as similar as to when other athletes would perform in a game. For example dancers train to win and so do all athletes. When dancers go to train their goal is to win as well as to be the best and other athletes goals are the same. The olympics is the world’s biggest …show more content…

But just because dancers get judged doesn’t defy whether dance is a sport or not. You may ask what’s the definition of a sport? Is it where you run around with a ball and the objective of the game is to get the ball in the goal? No, because according to a “sport” is: “An activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or team competes against another or others for entertainment.” This goes to show that dance is a sport because all the requirements are met. Dance does require physical exertion because dancers need fit bodies to dance. Dance does require skill because dancers train to do things normal humans cannot do. Dancers do compete because most dancers train to win and beat other teams. This goes to show that dance is a sport because all the requirements are met. This goes to show that dance is a sport because all the requirements are

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