How Does Shakespeare Create Identity In Romeo And Juliet

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Identity in Romeo and Juliet

“We know what we are, not what we may be.” - Shakespeare
Who you are (age, gender, family affiliation, social class, et cetera) differentiates from who you make yourself to be. Romeo and Juliet, star-crossed lovers, defy their given identity throughout the play, rebelling against gender and social standards. The two star-crossed lovers faced many of these obstacles while they battled with a fatal secret marriage, betrayal, lies, and violent behavior, just to name a few. Shakespeare created identity as a major role in the play, Romeo and Juliet, by using age, gender, and family affiliation.

Throughout the play, the two lovers’ emotions and words are dismissed as unimportant, mainly because of how old they are. …show more content…

In Act I, Juliet’s parents attempt to give her away to Paris, a man who she does not want to marry. We see it again in Act 3, Scene 5, when Capulet threatens to disown Juliet for not wanting to marry Paris. The idea that Juliet belongs to a man, and can be disowned or given away to another man. The same idea is not present in today’s society, but in the Elizabethan times, women were seen as a weak object used as a wife to make children- nothing more and nothing less. Lady Capulet says this as well, in Act 1, Scene 3: “Here in Verona, ladies of esteem,/ Are made already mothers; by my count,/ I was your mother much upon these years.” This quote from Lady Capulet displays how women are not only property of men, but are not allowed to be anything else besides a housewive. The conflict between Juliet and her parents aren’t the only example of gender that’s present in the play. Romeo and Juliet’s attraction for each other is very unique for many reasons, one being that they both defy the common idea of genders in their time. Throughout the play, Juliet rebels against her parents and society, even though women were supposed to obey everything a man says. Romeo, on the other hand, is very sensitive, and is called “womanly” when he shows his

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