How Does Shakespeare Create Identity In Romeo And Juliet

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In Shakespeare’s play Romeo and Juliet, he uses many literary devices to add to the tragedy and storyline. One of the things he uses that greatly impacts the story is identity. He uses family affiliation, gender, social class, and age to create a sense of superiority versus inferiority, strengthen the emotional connections and the reactions of the characters, and provide barriers for the character to overcome throughout the storyline. First of all, Shakespeare uses identity to create a sense of superiority versus inferiority in the story. One scene that highlights the idea of superiority is when Paris and Lord Capulet are discussing Juliet being married to Paris. Lord Capulet tells Paris that “Juliet will be ruled in all respects by …show more content…

An example in the texts that highlights identity affecting emotions is the age of Romeo and Juliet. Romeo says that his “life were better ended by their hate than death prorogued, wanting of thy love” (Act 2, Scene 2, Lines 77-78). Romeo and Juliet are both hormone crazy teenagers. Because they are in their teenage years, they can’t see past the now. They overreact in the moment because they can’t see anything into the future. Romeo just turns to death as his only option because he can’t see anything else helping him. This shows age takes an effect on the characters reactions to certain situations. Similarly, Juliet says to Friar Laurence, “with this knife I’ll help it presently” (Act 4, Scene 1, Line 55). Juliet as well, turns to death as an option. She can’t open her eyes to the reality because she has the teenage lense on her eyes. All she can see is the worst possible things and nothing good. This gives readers a clear image that the age of Romeo and Juliet clouds their judgement in situations. In brief, age identity plays into the decisions and emotions of the characters in the

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