Romeo And Juliet Identity Quotes

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Romeo and Juliet is a well known story, which commonly is aspired after. What you do not normally hear is that the idea of identity strongly contributes to plot. While going through struggles and difficulties, Romeo and Juliet are constantly trying to associate with their identity. The gender, age, or family affiliation of the characters in Romeo and Juliet heavily provides and devotes to the actions of this play. Many times in this play and in today's time, women are perceived to be fragile and submissive while men are seen as dominant, sinewy people. To illustrate, “Where I have learned me to repent the sin/ Of disobedient opposition/ To you and your behests, and am enjoined/ By holy Lawrence to fall prostrate here/ To beg your pardon. (falls to her knees)” (III.v.14-18). Juliet is showing how another adult told her to fall on her knees and beg for her father’s forgiveness for just giving her opinion on marriage earlier in the …show more content…

In particular, “O Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo?/ Deny thy father and refuse thy name./ Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love,/ And I’ll no longer be a Capulet” (II.II.33-34). Juliet wonders why must Romeo be a Montague, and why must their families hate each other. In addition, Juliet would give up her association with the Capulets to be with Romeo, so she would be giving up a part of herself. Furthermore, “Till thou shalt know the reason of my love./ And so, good Capulet—which name I tender/ As dearly as my own—be satisfied” (III.I.41-43). Romeo tells Tybalt that since he is married to Juliet that he loves the name Capulet just as much as he loves his own name. He now affiliates with both the Capulets and Montagues and shows this with affection to Tybalt before the fight. When talking of the theme of identity in this play, you cannot forget how important the last name of a character

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