How Does Rap Music Affect Teens

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Music plays an important role in socialization of teens and adolescents. Rap music lyrics have lots of slang and profanity, which has caused a major concern among many. These music videos also illustrate attractive but yet very dangerous fantasies. The rap industry has expanded tremendously and a manifold genre. The rap genre is known for expressing a wide variety of realities and aspirations. Teenagers tend to imitate these fashions, language, and lifestyle promoted by rap artist. The rap industry has influenced our generation far as violence, sexual activities, and fashion. Research done at Western Connecticut State University found that those who listen to music with violent lyrics are more likely to be violent. Artists often talk about the lifestyle lived and prompt these lifestyles, which teens feel they can duplicate these lifestyles and have the same outcome. Rap music was born in poor urban …show more content…

Males who listen to rap and hip-hop music will tend to wear baggy jeans, called sagging, oversized t-shirts, and a cap. (Theo, 2006). Influential rappers such as Jeezy and Future encourage our teens to continue to dress this way. Young men began to think that these types of clothing is attractive and cool. Not realizing how others look at them, when dressing this way. For example, if two sixteen-year-old males was to go on an interview, one male with sagging pants the other with fitted pants. The hiring manager will rather choose the young men with fitted pants, because he seem more professionally and presentable. Some teens will also go as far as getting grills just like their favorite rap artist. Grills are like having jewelry for your teeth, you can get them in either silver or gold. Teens think it is cool, because when they smile their teeth are all shiny. Teens may also start to get tattoos because of their favorite artist. The affect that rap music and its artist has on our teens is

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