How Does Gary Sinise Use Flashback In Of Mice And Men

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Gary Sinise revamps and refreshes the class and award win the country ning book Of mice And Men with a whole new feeling and style. He finds a way to blend the country and home fell with the best actors to make a masterpiece of a movie. Gary Sinise has found the perfect balance between comedy, sadness, and friendship to make one of the best films of his time. The first thing you notice in Of Mice And Men is the mellow music with the ominus back tones. Then out of the shadows you see one man then out of nowhere you see the man having some type of flashback. In this flash back you see him and another man being chased by men or horses with guns that look extremely mad and aggravated. You also see a bunch of dogs which shows that these men didn't just run into them they have been going after and following the two men. What this does is intrigue the reader and make them want to see more. But in the book there was nothing about Lennie having a flashback the beginning of the book just started as them running from the men. …show more content…

During the scene where everybody was working out on the fields there was one thing that really made it a happy scene and that was music that was playing, there was a symphony of all kind of instruments paying happy song and in turn making it a happy scene. When Lennie was in the barn it was dark and the whole scene had a big and sad undertone to it that made you feel bad for Lennie. During the saddest scene in Of Mice And Men when George has to kill Lennie, there was an abruptness to it, there was no scene of george lifting up the gun to shoot him it just happened in an instant which caused shock to a lot of watchers. In my opinion this is one of the best scenes in any movie ever, the whole scene just shows how one mistake and you can lose you life and that your best friend could be the one doing

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