How Does Creon Use Dramatic Irony In Oedipus Rex

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The use of dramatic irony in a story is to excite and amuse a reader, but also to make their knowledge feel superior by letting them in on secrets that the characters don’t yet know. Sophocles was excellent at filling this piece of writing with numerous examples of dramatic irony. His uses of irony are supposed to show the reader what Oedipus’s character really is. By the use of irony, we as readers can better understand why Oedipus is stubborn to learn about his past and that nothing good comes out of it. Sophocles uses Creon’s delivery of Apollo’s prophecy, Tiresias’s words of wisdom, and Jocasta’s assurances to present dramatic irony in his drama.
Creon returns to Thebes with a message from Apollo’s oracle saying, “‘Pay the killers back-

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