How Did Women Grow During Ww2

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During WW2 everyone had to fight, including the women. As a result, the women did many things they had never been able to do. For example, they worked in the shops and factories, they did work at home, and they even fought in the war!
When the men left, there was no one to run the shops. Therefore, the woman had to take over and help. When WW2 started more than 6 million women joined the workforce. More than 310,000 women worked in the aircraft industry. That is about 65% of the industry. Women in factories made 296,429 airplanes and 87,620 warships to help the war. Most women had never worked before and they had to take over the shops, stores, and factories. This was hard for them, but it was all for the greater good. Because of this, women now have equal rights, and can work wherever they want! …show more content…

Some woman had to stay home, but they could still help. For example, the women donated scraps of metal and rubber to the army. Soldiers were running out of food so the women had to ration food so that the army would have food. Therefore, Certain foods like meat and butter could only be bought with a special “ration ticket”. Some women planted gardens and donated the crops to the men at war. Most women went to work in the factories, but some stayed home. No matter what you did, you could still help. It took awhile to convince the men to let them do this, but, some woman fought in the war. The women who could fly airplanes joined the WASP (Women’s Airforce Service Pilots). Women who could sail boats or fight near water joined the WAVES (Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service). All the women who still wanted to fight, but couldn’t fly airplanes or fight near the sea joined the WAC (Women’s Army Corps).As a result, more than 100,000 women in the WAC and more than 6,000 female officers. The women could now work and fight for their country. Any woman could fight and that's

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