Compare And Contrast The American Society Between The 1920's And 1950

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Analyzing Post War American Society America post war society is a society that is for change. After these major wars America had time to look inward and find problems within itself. These problems include the racism of America and the denied basic rights for women. During the 1920’s and 1950’s women and Africans started to demand basic rights and equality that they deserved. Each post war brought forth different points and changes to the American society that would later improve America as a whole. Analyzing American society view on race between the 1920’s and 1950’sbrings forth the struggles many Africans went through for equality and civil rights. In the 20’s Africans had little to no protection from the government with no actions being …show more content…

For starters after each war period women were left wanting more equality realizing that men were given more opportunities then women. Women were able to work during periods of war and after the wars ended so was their jobs. Women however wanted to work some not even wanting to be housewives but wanted a real job like men were offered. Not only did they want equal jobs but also the ability to have a proper education. Women were always more active during these periods of post war society but between the two periods a lot of the expectations were …show more content…

After working for the First World War women started actively trying to get basic rights and started to get jobs. Flappers was the common term for these women going against society wanting to be treated as equals. They commonly had shorter hair, showed more skin, and acted with the purpose of enjoying themselves and not entertaining men. These women were showing their disdain for what was considered acceptable behavior through enjoying themselves. During the 1950’s though women started gaining way more support for their progress for basic rights which is why the difference is way more dominate for these time periods. The 50’s had way more stay at home wives because of the baby boom that took place. These housewives did not sit around all day talking care of the children though instead they were both work and do house work. Women were conceded to be more equal to men having the ability to vote and have a voice in politics unlike in the 20’s were women still had to fight for this right. According to lecture notes in the 50’s divorce rates were higher than they have ever been. The reason for this was “people got married before the war and after the husbands were completely different affected by the war in some way or in other case they married people they didn’t even know”. The 50’s were more forgiving to these women having many states changing the laws to a more liberal outlook. Women were able to have their

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