How Did The Printing Press Influence European Society

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The printing press is considered one of the most important inventions because it made mass production for printed material possible. The result of that leads to a much more educated population. For years prior to the printing, all readable material had to be hand written. This consumed a lot of time and costed a lot of money. The printing press dramatically reduced the time and expense for printed. From the 1500’s to the early 1700’s, the printing press was the most significant invention in which inspired the most change in European society during the Renaissance because it impacted the advancement of civilization rigorously, advanced the flow of education and spread new ideas. Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press in the year 1450. …show more content…

That statement is correct because it abetted European exploration in the fifteenth century. Since the printing press indorsed the spread of new ideas, communication within the people increased. As a great result, “because of the printing press, people learned about the explorations that took place. They were aware of the benefits of exploring as well as of the risks that existed.”(Koran) Because of the countries reading about the different successes of exploration, word spread and riches came into countries, other countries realized the great benefit of exploring new exploration stated to seek the benefit of the country and its people .This improved and helped lead to more explorations. Exploration also allowed countries to claim land that was found by them during exploration. This also allowed countries to add more people and have a stronger civilization. “When Columbus went exploring for the Spanish King and Queen, he claimed lands that became part of the Spanish Empire.” (Kennedy). The printing press allowed countries and explores communicates on the advantages and the disadvantages that they encountered. This helped future explores and thanks to the printing press, communication was faster and more efficient which had a great impact on the advancement on the advancement of

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