Printing Press Dbq

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(Hook) Throughout the history of man, there has been numerous achievements in human communication that have changed lives greatly. (Bridge) One of the milestones in communication was the printing press. (Background Info) In 1450, Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press in Germany. By 1600, more than 200 million books had come off the presses. Therefore, an average person living in Europe at the time could own a book, such as a copy of the Bible. As the number of books being produced increased, the literacy rate increased as well. As a result, people started to read and explore topics such as science, religion, and geography. The printing press led to a major price drop in books, more knowledge learned, and many significant events in history, such as the Age of Exploration and the Reformation. (Thesis) I believe that the most crucial consequence of the printing press was the Age of Exploration.

(Topic Sentence #1) The Age of …show more content…

During that time period, Christopher Columbus claimed to have made an amazing discovery. Columbus’s letter in Document D states, “I came to the Indian Ocean, where I found many islands inhabited by men without number.” (CM#1) At the time, Columbus’s discovery was big news and made a huge difference, because people always believed that the world was flat. His letter was mass produced by the printing press and distributed all through Europe, in multiple different languages. When people read Columbus’s letter, it gave them motivation and encouragement to explore more places and discover the world. As a result, today, we know many places in the world that weren’t known before, such as North America and South America. (Closing) This shows the importance of the Age of Exploration, which was a critical and positive consequence of the printing press. (Topic Sentence #2) Another example of how the printing press supported the Age of Exploration in a helpful way was the production of

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