How Did Religion Influence Ancient Egyptian Life

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In Ancient Egyptian times, religion was a very important aspect of their everyday lifestyle. Religion guided every aspect of Egyptian life. It was based on the worship of many deities, such as Ra the sun god and Osiris the god of the underworld. Some were worshipped throughout the whole country while others were only worshipped in certain areas. Deities could come in many different forms – some were often represented as half human and half animal, for example, Horus, the sky god had the head of a hawk and the body of a human. Each city had a temple built for the god of that city, it was considered as a home for the gods and the purpose was for it to be a place in which men could communicate with them. The gods of ancient Egypt were seen as …show more content…

One of the most famous aspects of ancient Egyptian religion are their beliefs about death and life after death. They believed that after they died, their hearts were weighed by Anubis, the god of mummification and the afterlife. If they had lived good lives, their life force (also referred to as Ka) could join up with their soul. If they lived bad lives, the two forces had to be separated forever which was an extremely bad thing. One of their well-known practices was putting food and personal belongings into the tomb with the mummy before the tomb was sealed. They believed that the soul had survived with these things during the person’s life so they needed them to survive in the afterlife as well. Their strong belief in death and the afterlife resulted in them being so deeply attached to their homeland that they rejected prolonged military operations beyond their borders because they feared that they would die on foreign soil and they would not be given the proper rites for their continued journey after life. (Mark

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