Hot Coffee Movie

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Summary of The Hot Coffee Movie
Hot Coffee Movie is a film produced in 2011, which discusses and analyses the impacts of the amended tort reforms in the US judicial system. Susan Saladoff is the director of the movie, who has practiced medical malpractice attorney for more than 25 years. The movie has four evidenced exhibits, which Susan Saladoff uses to illustrate the alleged lame side of the United States tort reforms. Tort reforms are the limits set by the states on the payment allowed to be honored by the defendant as damages to the plaintiff.
The first exhibit is on Stella Liebeck, where McDonald spilled coffee on her lap, which resulted in severe burns. Stella Liebeck was in the passenger seat, together with her grandson Chris. She ordered some coffee at local McDonald. While trying to take …show more content…

Nevertheless, the Chamber of Commerce developed a cynical slogan against judge Oliva. Under the President’s George W Bush government, the Supreme Court’s decision in Federal Election Commission and Citizen offered the all the corporations the right and the mandate to give unlimited campaign contributions. The right gives a massive corporate influence in electing the Supreme Court judges. Therefore, despite Oliva winning in the first elections, he faced numerous lawsuit claims, which disadvantaged him from winning the second campaign.
The last instance illustrated in Hot Coffee Movie tells a story of Jamie Leigh about mandatory arbitration. Jamie Jones was a KBR, Halliburton employee, who signed the arbitrary employment contract. At the age of 19, Jamie was dragged by her male coworkers in Iraq, which got her rapped. She tried to file criminal charges against KBR, Halliburton company, but the mandatory arbitration clause that she signed hindered her to have a jury

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