Comparing Upton Sinclair's The Jungle And The Progressive Era

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Nehemi Winn Mary Hill American Studies 12 April 2016 The Jungle and The Progressive Era During the early 1900s, the changing views on human rights redefined the standards of society and government in America. When Upton Sinclair published his novel The Jungle, it immediately affected American society and American federal policy, although Sinclair had hoped to bring about a different reaction. At the start of the 20th century, journalists had begun to play an important role in exposing wrongdoings within politics and society. These journalists, often called muckrakers, used their journalism to focus on political flaws and corruption in city governments. Several popular publishers adopted this form of journalism, which became widely popular …show more content…

However, there were many other violations of human rights that were not as promptly resolved. All around America, large industries began to exploit children as a cheaper alternative to adult labour. Knowing that families were struggling to survive in the extreme competitiveness of urban life and had few financial options, employers offered children jobs with extremely low rates. The employment of the youth, often referred to as “Child Slavery,” was notoriously demanding for young children (“The 1930s”). Due to the lack of sufficiently supportive jobs, families were forced to send off their children to supplement the household income. Instead of receiving necessary education, young men and women worked endless hours in dead end jobs, thus stunting the possibility of financial …show more content…

Individuals like Boss Tweed seized and controlled entire cities. William M. Tweed was a politician who controlled New York City's political network through illegal subsidization for political support and affiliation with city gangs. From his headquarters at Tammany Hall and his position in the United States House of Representatives, he was able to orchestrate elections, cultivate support, and establish the New York County Courthouse, funded by the profits of the Tweed Ring (“William Magear Tweed”) . His accomplishments were made possible by the chaotic shambling of desperate people who had no choice but to submit to his demands, in hopes of alleviating themselves from their dire circumstances. Tweed was only one of many corrupt political figures who used their power and influence to accumulate wealth, and vice versa. By the mid 20th century, the scale and prominence of corruption had increased dramatically, due to the widespread transition to vast urban cities and industrialized systems. The greed and desperation that resulted from the shift towards industrialism accelerated the growth of corruption in politics. Although the shift to industry was a necessary stepping stone in the development of the modern society existing today, it was accompanied by various consequences to American society and facilitated the corruption of government officials. The exploitation of fellow

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