Hero's Journey: A Short Story

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Autumn Malone (Ac)
Hero’s Journey
Time Changes In the distant future, 2030, someone is watching over Earth in a space tower full of windows. The figure lurks in the shadows showing a small glimpse of lavender skin and their blue eyes shone in the light. Then the figure steps in the light showing a slim figure, luscious pink hair flowing down her back to her thighs, hanging in a long ponytail, her blue eyes glistening, her lavender skin barely showing. She turns to the platform supporting the control panels and steering wheel. “No one is in need at this hour?” the alienated girl questioned. She slipped out of her silver battle armor, an armor with the richest material of metal, so silver you could see your face in the reflection …show more content…

A girl with blonde hair in a bun and blue sparkling eyes walked straight towards Galaxy Girl. “Hi, I’m Hailey! How can I help you?” she asked, gleefully. She looked at her. This Hailey seems vaguely familiar, her voice and features. She frowned, showing her worry line. “I’m Xanadu,” She said. “Xanadu? I have a best friend named that! And from your worry line, I can tell you’re lost.” Hailey said, smiling. Wait a second! Hailey?! She remembers now. It all came back to her. Hailey is her best friend, who helped her on the quest. But Hailey doesn’t seem to remember me. Remembering a trick, her dad taught before he passed, Galaxy Girl used it. She put her hand on Hailey’s forehead and whispered “Remember”. When she took her lavender hand off Hailey’s forehead leaving an eye imprint on her forehead. Hailey blinked slowly, the imprinted eye slowing fading off her head. Hailey burst into tears, hugging Galaxy Girl. “Xanadu! What are you doing here?! Haven’t you heard the news?! Demons are invading the Earth, and I need my best friend to save us!” Hailey exclaimed, crying. Galaxy Girl craned her neck to see a beautiful, green grassy plain, the sun bathing it and enriching it in front of two own eyes, her pupils widening. She remembers this place. The beauty of it and the country, the horses and the cows, the apple smell. It was the country. No, Kansas to be exact. Hailey loved it here. Suddenly, her transmitter went off, beeping insanely, piercing her ears. A hole ripped in the sky, no a portal, making it visible from eye to eye like a hole ripped in the ground. She cried leaving her best friend behind. It’s been years since she talked to her, the same as AJ, her other best friend she made on Earth, four years ago. She haven’t been able to catch up with them because she’s the universes guardian, and all the planets are all in stress, thanks to the Great War with

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