A Hero's Journey Research Paper

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Thrown into the United State’s army in order to pay for medical school, my father experienced numerous crises. But out of seven years of service, the first crisis story my father shared with me occurred a decade later in his occupational medicine office. One quiet work night Doctor Malik, my father’s boss, chocked on his dinner and could not breathe. Celia, the difficult to work with office nurse heard gurgling in the corresponding room and began to investigate. When she found Doctor Malik, she immediately performed the Heimlich maneuver, saving his life. My father had no direct role in this crisis, but he will always remember that help came from the least expected person. Even though Celia made work difficult in the office, her previous training and readiness to act saved Doctor Malik’s life. Just how Doctor Malik needed the quick response and help from Celia, other crisis situations require quick help from others. …show more content…

Mid-flight, Wesley Sickle died of cardiac arrest behind the controls. Sickle’s 81-year-old friend, Robert Kupferschmid, lacked a pilot’s license and as the plane veered off course Kupferschmid radioed for help. Hearing his plead for help, two commercial pilots responded and gave him instructions on how to steer to the nearest airport and how to land. These two alert pilots saved his life. Kupferschmid could not have taken the time to think and decide what to do in this crisis; he had to use his instincts and grab the radio. Even as Robert Kupferschmid needed instruction by surrounding trained pilots, Solomon needed wisdom from the Lord to make it through the

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