Contac Contact Analysis

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Contact from an un-identified being can be unnerving, however Dr. Ellie Arroway has spent years looking for other life form outside of Earth and when she first heard a possible message coming from the Vega star system she was ecstatic. After spending close to 10 years listening for radio signals Dr. Ellie had finally heard a message from a life from light years away. As news of the signal spread through the world, outbreaks of both panic and amusement occurred by everyone who heard. In the message was an encrypted video feed that included design plans for a wormhole generator. One trillion dollars later it was built and after a hard thought out vote, Dr. Ellie was nominated to be put in the machine. After two attempts she makes her two-hour journey through time toward the Vega galaxy. She arrives and sees the “alien,” who explains to her why they contacted earth. The “aliens” return Dr. Ellie and she comes back to earth with no evidence of the encounter. This causes a conflict with the people on whether to believe in her encounter with aliens. …show more content…

It is interesting to watch a movie like “Contact” and then wonder if any parts of it can be true in today’s society. Things like Area 51 in Nevada, and how maybe aliens do exist on earth in Area 51. Another possibility is that life does exist in the universe but we have just not discovered it. Thinking if only 1 in a million planets had life, there would still be billions of planets that contain life in the universe. This movie affects me because it peeks my interest in space exploration possibly leading me to choose a career that deals with space such as a Telecommunication

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