Herod The Great Influence

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Herod the Great ruled in Israel after he was appointed by Romans in 37-4 BC to rule over the area. While Herod ruled he accomplished many things such as building many fortresses, aqueducts, theatres, and other public buildings. Also during his rule he raised the prosperity of his land and he created a better life for most Israelite during most of his rule. However in his later years Herod became a more strict and harsh leader to the Israelites. In the New Testament, he is shown as a tyrant and a vicious and ruthless leader who ruled over the land that Jesus was born. Herod was born in Idumea in southern Palestine. He was born to a man named Antipater and a woman named Cyprus. Herod’s father was an Edomite or an Arab from the region between the Dead Sea and the Gulf of Aqaba. Herod’s father was man who had great influence and wealth but these …show more content…

These two places are the port of Caesarea Palaestinae, which was the capital of Roman Palestine; and Sebaste in an area of ancient Samaria. In the Judean desert, Herod built an eloquent palace at Herodium which was later identified as his tomb by archeologists in 2007. Herod’s most amazing creation was the Jewish Temple, which he rebuilt. The outer court of the palace is still visible as Al-Ḥaram al-Sharif. Herod also beautified foreign cities such as Beirut, Damascus, Antioch, Rhodes, and many other towns. Herod loved the Olympic Games, and he soon became the president of the games. Herod was never really allowed to give full rein to his love of opulence because he was scared the Pharisees would be offended. Herod was always in debate with the Pharisees because they saw him as a foreigner ruling over Judea. Herod saw himself as the patron of pagans but also as a protector of Jews outside of Palestine, who were mistreated by Gentile hosts whom he tried to compromise

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