Nehememiah Leadership Analysis

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Nehemiah was a God-appointed leader who used a strategy. When God laid it on his heart to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem, Nehemiah began to establish and then work through a well-planned strategy to accomplish the vision God had given. He analyzed the need and had a specific goal. He laid out the plan, put his team in place and he organized the work. He gathered and secured the resources, established leaders and distributed the assignments among them. Nehemiah is the quintessential leader and is the perfect example for the business professional or project manager to follow.


The qualities exhibited by Nehemiah that allowed him to accomplish the rebuilding the walls of the city of Jerusalem, demonstrate extraordinary examples of …show more content…

Nehemiah is an example of Christ 's teaching about persons in positions of authority: "whoever wishes to become great among you must be your servant" (Mark 10:43). He was not interested in recognition and personal glory but was concerned with completing the work for God’s glory. Nehemiah is a leader to be admired. After reading this passage my prayer is to be as strong as he was when faced with opposition. In my own life sometimes I find myself pre-occupied with the negativity that people my put on me or the conflicts that I encounter and I find it difficult at times to “keep working” like Nehemiah did. I believe it is getting better for me in that regard but I continue to pray that God will continue to build me up and make me strong enough to withstand the fiery darts.


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